Owners Representation Services

What is an Owners Representative?

An Owner’s Representative is responsible for overseeing operations for a design & construction project on behalf of the Owner, beginning at the earliest phases of planning, design, documentation and continuing through occupancy into post occupancy evaluations. Having an experienced consultant on board can mitigate the risk of failing to meet budgets and schedule deadlines.

Even if the project has progressed beyond the planning or design phase, an Owner’s Representative is invaluable in serving as the eyes and ears for the Owner throughout the duration of the project. It takes both roles, leadership on the construction side with a General Contractor or Construction Manager along with an Owner’s Representative, to deliver a successful project. 

The roles are drastically different but while the Construction Manager focuses on building the project, the Owner’s Representative can focus on evaluating the project from the Owner’s perspective thus allowing the Owner, investors, and other stakeholders to be certain that the best, most efficient, outcome is achieved.

Understanding the Scope

Depending upon the needs of the Owner, the specifics of an Owner Representative’s services will vary from project to project since every project is unique.  The responsibilities and services focus on oversight versus management. They monitor all major aspects of the project, report directly to the Owner on any issues that may impact budget, schedule, quality, and teaming, while making recommendations on problem-solving solutions.

The Owner’s Representative will communicate with all applicable stakeholders to track the progress of the project and oversee the quality of work while mitigating any risk that might arise from the perspective of the Owner. They are a third-party working for the Owner and may have the authority to make decisions on the Owner’s behalf if assigned by contract.

As every project is unique, customized agreements will be developed that clearly outline the scope and responsibilities of the Owner’s Representative. This allows the client to tailor the scope of work, determine the level of interaction, and define goals and expectations of the Owner’s Representative.

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